Articles and News

TESLASUIT Motion Capture System
This is the second part of the articles’ series about mocap. The first one was about the essence of motion capture and its forms....

TESLASUIT VR Expert Reported at VR-Today
Higher school of business informatics organized a conference on the application of AR/VR technologies, VR-Today. Marketing Director at TESLA...

TESLASUIT Was Introduced at VRX Europe 2017
TESLASUIT took part at VRX Europe 2017, held in London. The event, sponsored by Intel, took place in the heart of London. More than 650 part...

Motion Capture: What Is It?
This is the first post about motion capture. It is one part of TESLASUIT multimodular system. Functioning in conjunction with haptic an...

Why VR is Not Full-fledged Without Haptic Technology?
This is the latest part in a series of articles about haptic technology. TESLASUIT team is convinced that haptic feedback in virtual reality...

TESLASUIT Haptic Feedback System
This is the third post in a series of articles about haptics. This section characterizes TESLASUIT haptic feedback (aka, full body haptic s...

History of Haptic Technology in Video Game Industry
This is the second post in series of articles about haptic feedback. This section puts emphasis on the history of haptic technology. Due to ...

The History of Virtual Reality: Ultimate Guide. Part 2
Earlier in the first part of the article The History of Virtual Reality: Ultimate Guide relatively the history of VR we have examined t...

The History of Virtual Reality: Ultimate Guide. Part 1
Many writers and scientists described virtual reality long before it appeared. We are accustomed to associating virtual reality with go...