Articles and News

Challenges for Smart Clothing Market
As smart clothing market is two-sided one, there are two groups of barriers to adoption of smart garments. On the one hand, companies launch...

Smart Clothing Market Overview
TESLASUIT marketing team has prepared a series of articles on smart clothing. This is the second part, revealing the main trends on the smar...

Smart Clothing Classification
TESLASUIT marketing team has prepared a series of articles on smart clothing. This is the first part, revealing the smart clothing clas...

Wearables Market Overview
Earlier TESLASUIT team created own wearables classification (with infographics) to shed light on the diversity of wearables. As of now,...

Virtual Reality Suit (VR Suit)
The virtual reality suit is a wearable device that allows one to dive into a virtual reality world. Such a suit isolates the human body from...

Happy Birthday, Nikola Tesla!
Today is the birthday of Nikola Tesla, engineer, physicist and greatest futurist. He was very much interested in the nature of light and ene...

TESLASUIT is Coming!
The many iterations of TESLASUIT. This is what a truck load of coffees, out-of-the-box thinking and many sleepless nights brought us. ...

Empathy and Virtual Reality: Subtle Interconnection and Impact on Society
Humanity creates virtual reality. Like any product of human activity, it affects a person and society as a whole. Moreover, virtual reality ...

Wearables Classification by TESLASUIT Team
There is a huge variety of wearable devices. Nevertheless, there is no generally accepted classification of wearables. So in this ...

TESLASUIT Temperature Control System
TESLASUIT as a full body haptic feedback suit provides temperature sensations. It has Peltier elements installed to simulate temperature cha...