Articles and News

As we start thinking of the summer holidays and having some well-deserved rest, we would like to take this opportunity to share a snapshot o...

Highlights of 2021
As we start a new year, we wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on some of the highlights of 2021. As a team, we are exceptionall...

8,000 + guests, 200+ product demonstrations, 1 award: TESLASUIT at CES 2020
Setting the tempo for the year, we showcased at CES 2020, the world’s premier event for technology innovation, in Las Vegas, Nevada. A...

Meet TESLASUIT at CES 2020
The TESLASUIT team is thrilled to announce a new product release at CES 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. CES 2020 (Consumer Electronics Show) is a...

Meet TESLASUIT at AVRA DAYS in Moscow, Russia
50 experts, 30 VR-projects, 1,500 guests: TESLASUIT will be in attendance at Russia’s yearly premier event on the effectiveness ...

TESLASUIT team takes part at Laval Virtual 2019
TESLASUIT team visits Laval Virtual 2019 in France on 20-24 March. Sergei Nossoff, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), is an invited speaker at L...

TESLASUIT joins Accenture Interactive at SXSW 2019
TESLASUIT team joins Accenture Interactive at SXSW 2019 in Austin, Texas on March 8-11, 2019. TESLASUIT proudly presents a Social VR Demo at...

TESLASUIT’s Big Plans for Spring 2019: Where to Meet Our Team
TESLASUIT team has a tight schedule for the coming spring months. Plans to attend different events in various formats. On March 8-11, TESLAS...

TESLASUIT is a winner of Future Unicorn Award
TESLASUIT team received Future Unicorn Award at Masters of Digital in Brussels on 21 February. “As you may know, national trade associatio...

Improved Human Performance Technology in VR Training Was Presented By TESLASUIT at CES 2019
Teslasuit team took part in the largest international Consumer Electronics Show (