Articles and News

Location based entertainment leads VR to mass adoption
Previously we have written about VR entertainment, but location based entertainment is becoming so significant part of this market that...

VR entertainment: from fun to deep fascination
There are numerous focus areas in VR entertainment. We have already reported about the most popular of them, VR gaming in the article “VR ...

VR sport: budding perk for training and entertainment
The VR transformation of all spheres of life is no longer just a hypothesis. The sport wasn’t the first domain for virtual reality expansi...

TESLASUIT Project announces the first full body haptic suit with motion cap...
TESLASUIT Project announces that we will be exhibiting the TESLASUIT, the world’s first full body smart apparel, at CES 2018. We invi...

TESLASUIT became the VR/AR Association member
We are pleased to announce that TESLASUIT has become the global VR/AR Association member. It is an international organization which aims to ...

TESLASUIT navigated more than 50 demos at DevGAMM
DevGAMM is one of the largest conferences for game developers in Russia and the CIS, which is held several times a year in different cities,...

VR Gaming: How Industry Will Propel the Technology
Virtual reality gives the player new opportunities to experience the game. In particular, VR gaming opens up a three-dimensional space and o...

Why PC future belongs to smart clothing: wearable computer to transform tra...
Many today tell stories of success… Sharing failures and ways to overcome them started to be even in greater request. TESLASUIT team h...

VR Glossary by TESLASUIT: 100 Terms and Definitions
In any field, it is important for experts to speak in one language and understand each other easily. The system of categories plays the ...

Virtual Reality Applications: 111 Use Cases and Potential Contact Points for Industries
Virtual reality has a huge potential that it’s even difficult to imagine now. TESLASUIT team made a complete picture of virtual realit...