Higher school of business informatics organized a conference on the application of AR/VR technologies, VR-Today. Marketing Director at TESLASUIT, Denis Dybsky was invited to the event as a speaker.
Denis made a presentation on the topic “Full immersion in virtual reality: the present and the future”.
The audience with interest learned about the following issues:
– the components of an immersion in the VR;
– advantages and disadvantages of every type of haptic.

TESLASUIT Marketing Director, Denis Dybsky at VR-Today
Which is remarkable, challenges for VR development were perceived even more enthusiastically.
Briefly talking about this, now VR predominantly stimulates only 2 human sensory systems (visual and aural). Developers have recently begun to implement tactile impact at an advanced level. Force and vibration remain the principal types of haptic which do not always provide high accuracy of feedback. So, the complexity of interacting with the virtual world still exist. And its main aspect is the depth of immersion in VR.
So far, full immersion VR systems do not exist. TESLASUIT team сontinues to work hard on one of the main global goals – erasure the boundaries between virtual and real environments.
We have already embodied the technologies listed below:
– Haptic feedback
– Motion capture system (hybrid type in the pipeline)
– Climate control
– SDK (software development kit)
– Glove with Haptic feedback
– 5G and processing cloud (in the pipeline).
Watch out for other events that TESLASUIT team visits. Feel free and ask about our nearest plans concerning VR events.