High Voltage Electrical Safety Training
DTEK Case, Ukraine
The innovation of the training solution lies in the use of the Teslasuit haptic feedback system, which provides a deeper immersion in the virtual environment. The Haptic feedback system helps workers remember an algorithm for repair operations which will help them avoid making mistakes when tackling demanding tasks. Errors made by a power engineer during a training session are immediately captured by the software. Simultaneously, Teslasuit responds with an electric discharge, which serves as a reminder about one's responsibility for their safety. At the same time, the biometric system of the suit analyzes human performance and health.
Unreal Engine based training simulator
The virtual reality app realistically recreates rooms, tools, and devices used by power engineers. The scenario considers the sequence of steps, the result of correct and incorrect actions, the ability to prevent and correct errors, the use of various tools and other features of equipment maintenance at power plants. Visual and voice prompts keep users informed of tasks and steps to follow.
Application for keeping records and assessing results
The application allows the instructor to keep records of the training process; assess performance, add new trainees to the database; start and put scenarios on pause; monitor the sequence of tasks.

By adopting the latest immersive learning technologies, DTEK has created a scalable and effective training solution for power engineers. Newcomers can now learn and practice in an accurately reconstructed VR environment of a virtual power plant without any danger to their health or company equipment.
- The use of haptic technology enhances the overall effectiveness of training, improves the quality of training, and reduces the risk of injury through greater self-control at the time of decision-making.
- Developing a unique model of using positive and negative reinforcement methods based on the Teslasuit’s haptic technology.
- Enhancing the speed of learning process due to a full body immersion experience and better perception of more realistic sensations after each interaction with virtual twin object.
- Accuracy and personal approach due to detailed real time performance data provided for each user.
DTEK Energy applies innovative simulators to train our workers. Nobody will allow a novice or a trainee to train on an operating production line. On the contrary, VR simulators are useful when specialists regardless of their qualifications need to sharpen their skills. We cannot expose our people to risks. Safety is our priority