Academic program Choose suit


We offer special plugins for use with Unreal Engine and Unity that allow developers to easily and quickly implement our devices to their projects

Plugin for Unreal Engine


Current version:

The plugin provides a demo scene with basic features of the suit. It contains the basic actor parameters. The plugin also shows how to work with the key suit’s systems such as haptic feedback, motion capture, and biometry.


Coming soon

This plugin provides VR hands actor visualization and its possibilities as controllers. It includes a demo for interaction with different types of objects (soft, hard, fragile, animated). The plugin also shows how to work with the key glove’s systems such as haptic feedback, force feedback, motion capture, and biometry.

Download on developer portal

* Download is available only for registered users

Plugin for Unity


Current version:

The plugin provides a demo scene with basic features of the suit. It contains the basic actor parameters. The plugin also shows how to work with the key suit’s systems such as haptic feedback, motion capture, and biometry.


Coming soon

This plugin provides VR hands actor visualization and its possibilities as controllers. It includes a demo for interaction with different types of objects (soft, hard, fragile, animated). The plugin also shows how to work with the key glove’s systems such as haptic feedback, force feedback, motion capture, and biometry.

Download on developer portal

* Download is available only for registered users

API for Effective Interaction

From version

Explore all features and capabilities of our products with our new API. Browse the API documentation for specific methods, arguments, and sample code that can help you to perform better.

More info on developer portal

* Download is available only for registered users